SAMARINDA, Voice of Muhammadiyah – Dr. Ma'mun Murod Al-Barbasy was elected chairman of the Alumni Communication Forum (Fokal) of the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) for the 2023-2028 period.
The Chancellor of the University of Jakarta (UMJ) was elected to the V Focal IMM National Conference (Munas) which took place at the Puri Senyiur Hotel, Samarinda, 23-25 June 2023.
The V IMM Focal National Conference was attended by 182 participants from several regions in Indonesia. Among them are DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Kalimantan, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Aceh, Lampung, Riau, Riau Islands, North Maluku, Papua, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and others.
Prior to the election of the chairman, the participants of the IMM Focal National Conference voted via e-voting to elect 13 out of 56 formative candidates. They were selected from the elements of the regional coordinator (Korda), regional coordinator (Korwil), and national coordinator (Kornas).
The e-voting results, which were read out at 01.00 in the morning, put the name Yusuf Warsim (North Sumatra) in first place with 150 votes. Followed by Ma'mun Murod Al-Barbasy (Kornas) 144 votes, Fikri Yasin (Kornas) 127 votes, Suli Da'im (East Java) 126 votes, Hadi Mulyadi (East Kalimantan) 120 votes, and Muhammad Saleh Tjan (Yogyakarta) 118 votes.
Next, Ferry Yanthy Burhan (Kornas) received 111 votes, NA Fitri Gayo (Kornas) 110 votes, Enjang Tedi (West Java) 107 votes, Yayat Suyatna (DKI Jakarta) 94 votes, Wahidin Hasan (Central Java) 93 votes, Edi Agus Yanto ( Lampung) 87 votes, and Andi Nurpati (Kornas) 81 votes.
As of 3:00 a.m. local time, the formators' meeting had not been able to decide who was agreed to occupy the positions of general chairman, secretary general, and treasurer.
The meeting finally resumed at 08.00 local time. As a result, the formation team gave a mandate to Ma'mun Murod as chairman. The general secretary is Yusuf Warsim.
In his remarks, Ma'mun Murod expressed his gratitude for the trust of the IMM Focal National Conference V which had given him a mandate.
“I see great enthusiasm from friends, especially those in the region. The real evidence at the National Conference this time is that there are seven formations from the regions. This shows how much they expect from the IMM Fokal," he said.
He said, this enthusiasm was also seen from the implementation of the National Conference on Bumi Etam.
“This is so amazing. When the National Conference this time doesn't have SWO (Compulsory Organizational Donations) and SWP (Compulsory Participant Contributions), that means it's clear,” said Ma'mun, then the participants applauded.
He also emphasized that being the head of the IMM Focal was not an easy matter for me.
"This is not an easy struggle. I often have discussions with Ban Armyn Gultom, the chairman of the IMM Focal who is now deceased. I know a lot about organizational difficulties,” said Ma'mun.
That's why, Ma'mun stated that the IMM Focal certainly cannot work alone. "You have to be able to collaborate. There are many challenges that must be answered by the current management,” he concluded. (riz)
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